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Meaning :

The All Seeing.

In Quran:

“He is with you wherever you are, and Allah sees whatever you do” (Quran, 57:4).


Scholars say that he who repeats this Name 100 times between first four rakahs of Sunnah and Fard prayer at Juma, Allah will give this person esteem in the eyes of others.


​I​n language, seeing is achieved through the faculty of vision; it is the reflection of light on what can be seen and its impression on the eyes.

Seeing is also an insight, discretion, an innermost conviction. One who is baseer is one who sees deeply, who is knowledgeable, who is an expert. Also, to “see” means not to rush, but to contemplate, to be acquainted with things, and to be firm in adhering to the creed.

Al-Baseer sees everything, the apparent and the hidden, without using the faculty of vision. When applied to the Almighty, Glory to Him, vision receives the perfection whereby the qualities of anything that can be seen are realized. Al-Baseer fully knows every visible thing, and to Him the truth in their regard is apparent, evident.

He knows where vision trespasses and what the 

​brains​ conceal. He sees and oversees; nothing in the high heavens or in the earth, or in what is between them both, nor what is under the ground, can ever be concealed from His vision, and He is the ever-Present who is never absent.

One who realizes that Allah has such an attribute will be disciplined by constantly keeping a vigil on his conduct, by being precise when holding his soul to account. One who safeguards his hearing and vision against incurring the wrath of the Almighty, not committing anything that does not beseem him or is not commendable, is loved by Allah, and he will be blessed with hearing and vision as indicated in sacred traditions.

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