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1. Make Du’a to Allah to make your marriage and relationship successful


All good things are from Allah. Never forget to ask Allah for the blessing of having a successful marriage that begins in this world and continues on – by the Mercy of Allah – into Paradise.


2. Listen and obey! 🙂


Obeying your husband is obligatory! Your husband is the Ameer (head) of the household. Give him that right and respect.


3. Always seek to please your husband, for he is your key to Jannah


Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) taught us that any woman who dies in a state that her husband is pleased with her, shall enter Paradise. So, please him.


4. An argument is a fire in the house


Extinguish it with a simple ‘I’m sorry’ even if it is not your fault. When you fight back, you are only adding wood to the fire. Watch how sweetly an argument will end when you just say sincerely, “Look, I’m sorry. Let’s be friends.”


5. Thank your husband constantly for the nice things he does


Then thank him again. This is one of the most important techniques, as the opposite (ungratefulness) is a characteristic of the women of hellfire.


6. Joke and play games with your husband


A man’s secret: they seek women who are light-hearted and have a sense of humor. As the Prophet (peace be upon him) told Jabir to marry someone who would make him laugh and he would make her laugh.


7. Always wear jewelry and dress up in the house


From the early years, little girls have adorned themselves with earrings and bracelets and worn pretty dresses – as described in the Qur’an. As a wife, continue to use the jewelry that you have and the pretty dresses for your husband.


8. Review the characteristics of the Hoor Al-Ayn and try to imitate them


The Qur’an and Sunnah describe the women in Jannah with certain characteristics. Such as the silk they wear, their large dark eyes, etc. Try it, wear silk for your husband, put Kohl in your eyes to ‘enlarge’ them, and be good to your husband.


9. When your husband comes home, greet him with a wonderful greeting


Imagine your husband coming home to a clean house, an exquisitely dressed wife, a dinner prepared with care, children clean and sweet smelling, a clean bedroom – what would this do to his love for you? Now imagine what the opposite does to him.


10. Use your ‘Fitnah’ to win the heart of your husband


All women have the ornaments that Allah blessed them with. Use the beauty Allah has bestowed on you to win the heart of your husband.



Six Things Which Weaken The Relations: 1) Misbehaving 2) Ignoring 3) Lying 4) Breaking Promises …5) Avoiding Contact 6) Doubting Six Things Which Strengthen The Relations: 1) Good Attitude 2) Helping 3) Trusting 4) Respecting 5) Entertaining 6) Forgiving Mistakes…


M Junaid Tahir
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