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Sahih Al Bukhari – Book of Beginning Of Creation

Volumn 004, Book 054, Hadith Number 464.
Narated By 'Imran bin Husain RA: The Prophet PBUH said, "I looked at Paradise and found poor people forming the majority of its inhabitants; and I looked at Hell and saw that the majority of its inhabitants were women."

These are the points for our consideration on what is the reason that Poor People will be going to Paradise. In my opinion these are the possible reasons

1- Rich do not spend on poor and deprive them from the facilities

2- Rich do not pay zakat which is mandatory requirement of religion

3- Rich tend to keep themselves in luxury and forget Allah

4- Rich tend to do more Haram things (Alchohol/zina)

5- Rich do not divide their property and other finances honestly. They do not give these to their wife, daughters as defined by Islam.




These are the points for our consideration on why majority of Hell consists of Women

1- Woman become the root cause of illegal sex due to improper and revealing dressing.

2- Woman become the cause of most of home fights whether daughter in law or mother in law.



May Allah guide us towards the right path. 



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