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104. Al-Humazah

104.1 Narrated Abu Hurayrah (رضي الله عنه) that the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وعلى آله وسلم) said,

“When I was taken to the heavens in the journey of Mi’raj, I passed by some people whose skins were cut with fire scissors. I asked Gabriel who were these people? He said that they are those who used to live in the world with pomp and glitter. Then I heard voices of excessive crying from an odorous well and I asked Gabriel about it. He said they are those women from your Ummah who used to show-off and did things which were not lawful for them. Then I passed by some women and men who were hanging by their breasts. I said, ‘O Gabriel, who are they?’ He said that they are those who used to the taunt the people. This is why Almighty Allah Says

﴾ ويل لكل همزة لمزة ﴿

Woe to every scorner and mocker (104:1).”

(Baihaqi in Shuayb ul Iman, Suyuti in Dur al-Manthur)

104.2 Mufti Muhammad Shafi related about the Aayah

﴾ ويل لكل همزة لمزة ﴿

Woe to every scorner and mocker (104:1)

That the Holy Prophet (صلى الله عليه وعلى آله وسلم) has said, “The worst servants of Allah are those who speak ill of someone, creating enmity between friends and finding fault with innocent people.”

(Tafsir Maarif-ul-Quran)

104.3 Ibn Kathir related about the Aayah

﴾ التي تطلع على الأفئدة ﴿

Which mounts directed at the hearts. (104:7)

That Thabit Al-Bunani said, “It will burn them all the way to their hearts while they are still alive.” Then he said, “Indeed the torment will reach them.” Then he cried. Muhammad bin Ka`b said, “It (the Fire) will devour every part of his body until it reaches his heart and comes to the level of his throat, then it will return to his body.”

(Tafsir Ibn Kathir)

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