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 Performing 5 Prayers is a mandatory act of worship from Allah. 

If you would like to track your prayers and ensure 100% compliance, please check out this Easy-To-Use Prayers excel file

The Excel file can be downloaded from our download section.

Downloads – (

In case of any issues with download, please send email to and we will send you the file in’sha’Allah by email

Below is the sample data entry snapshot for a specific month: 

prayers tracker - 2.JPG

if you have performed your prayer on time, enter a

if you missed your prayer and performed later (Qaza) then enter q

if you did not perform your prayer due to monthly female cycle, then enter p

That is all you have to do in the tracker. 

Below are automatic reports and graphs that will help you see the summary of your prayers:

prayers tracker - 3.JPG

prayers tracker - 4.JPG

prayers tracker - 5.JPG

prayers tracker - 6.JPG

prayers tracker - 7.JPG

prayers tracker - 8.JPG

The Excel file can be downloaded from our download section.

In case of any issues with download, please send email to and we will send you the file in’sha’Allah

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