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Michael Hart, the author of the book *”The 100 Most Influential People”*, it took him 28 years to complete it.

He ranked *Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) No 1* on the list.


While he was giving a lecture in London, he was booed and interrupted.

People were complaining as to why he ranked Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) as No 1?

He said:

“The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) stood in the middle of Makkah in the year 611 and said to the people: *’I am the Prophet of Allah’*.

Four people believed in him; his BEST FRIEND, his WIFE and two KIDS!

Now, even after 1400 years, the number of Muslims has gone over 1.5 billion and still expanding.

*He could not have been a liar, because a lie will not last 1400 years! nor could you fool 1.5 billion people!*

Another thing to ponder is that even after all this time, millions of Muslims will not hesitate to sacrifice their lives over one word that would hurt their Prophet”.

*”Is there even one Christian willing to do that for Jesus?”*

After that, there was DEAD SILENCE in the whole auditorium!

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Hadith: Giving land in charity

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قرآنی ‏معلومات ‏سے ‏متعلق ‏ایک ‏سو ‏سوالات ‏

*---اپنے بچوں سے قرآنی معلومات پر 100 سوالوں کے...

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ابو مطیع اللہ حنفی  ☀☀☀☀ ★ہمارا جو رویہ ہے آج کل اپنی اولاد کے ساتھ کہ ہمارا کمرہ گویا کہ عدالت کا کمرہ ہے ‘ بچوں...