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“A friend will not (literally) share your struggles, and​ a loved one cannot physically take away your pain, and a close one will not stay up the night on your behalf…so look after yourself, protect it, nurture it…and don’t give life’s events more than what they are really worth…Be certain that when you break no one will heal you except you, and when you are defeated no one will give you victory except your determination…your ability to stand up again and carry on is your responsibility…Do not look for your self ​-​worth in the eyes of people; look for your worth from within your conscious…if your conscious is at peace then you will ascend high…and if you truly know yourself then what is said about you won’t harm you.

Do not carry the worries of this life… because this is for ​God​…and do not carry the worries of sustenance because it is from ​God​…and do not carry the anxiety for the future because it is in the
​control​ of God…
Carry one thing: How to Please God​. Because if you please Him, He Pleases you, fulfils you and enriches you. Do not weep from a life that made your heart weep…just say “oh ​God​…compensate me with good in this life and the hereafter”.

Sadness departs with a sajdah…happiness comes with a sincere du’a…Allah Does Not forget the good you do…nor Doe He Forget the good you did to others and the pain you relieved them from…Nor Will He Forget the eye which was about to cry but you made it laugh…

​​Live your life with this principle: Be good even if you don’t receive good…not because of other’s sake but because Allah Loves the good doers”.

جیسےجیسے انسان کی خدا سے واقفیت بڑھتی ہے

‏ جیسےجیسے انسان کی خدا سے واقفیت بڑھتی ہے ویسےویسے اسکا مخلوق کے آگے اپنےدکھڑےرونا کم ہوتا جاتا ہے۔ یعقوبؑ نےکہا تھا: إنما أشكوا بثي وحزني...

شکریہ مدارس شکریہ مولوی شکریہ حافظ صاحب

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پانی ایک نعمت


اس ہفتے کے ٹاپ 5 موضوعات

قرآنی ‏معلومات ‏سے ‏متعلق ‏ایک ‏سو ‏سوالات ‏

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