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Explain to your children how Taqwa is the major part of our religion and how to instil in our lives.

What is Taqwa?

Taqwa is not only about manners. Taqwa is not about looking Islamic. Taqwa is not about appearance


  • Taqwa is when you miss a prayer, you feel uneasy the whole day…
  • Taqwa is when you speak a lie, you feel bad…
  • Taqwa is the guilt that follows when you hurt someone knowingly or unknowingly…
  • Taqwa is the shame and regret that follows a sin you committed knowing full well how it stands in the sight of Allah…
  • Taqwa is when you cannot sleep after disobeying or disrespecting your parents…
  • Taqwa is to cry in the depths of night fearing none but the one above the Arsh…
  • Taqwa is the fear that refrains us from sinning when nobody familiar is around…
  • Taqwa is the guts and the will to please Allah, even when the whole world is hell bent on displeasing Him…
  • Taqwa is to wear that beard and Hijab for the sole reason of pleasing our Creator and to keep it on as per Sunnah….
  • Taqwa is the good manners and character we practice for the sake of Allah…
  • Taqwa is the struggle to better ourselves according to Islam, with each passing day…
  • Taqwa is not just about rising in deen, but about falling, rising again and never letting go! 
  • Taqwa is all about what is IN OUR HEARTS.

And if our hearts are filled with proper Taqwa, then actions automatically follow and the sweetness of these actions is so fulfilling!

But as Allah Subhanahu Taala  says:

Remind, for reminder benefits the believers. 

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