A boy asked the father: How Big is God?

Then the father looked up to the sky and seeing an airplane asked the son: “What’s the size of that airplane?”

The boy answered: “It’s very small. I can barely see it.”

So the father took him to the airport and as they approached an airplane he asked: “And now, what is the size of this one?” 

The boy answered: “Wow daddy, this is huge!” 

Then the father told him: “God, is like this, His size depends on the distance between you and  Him. The closer you are to Him, the greater He will be in your life! He is every Great and always bigger than your imagination. The whole universe is created by him. 

How close are you to Him?

Scientists estimate that the radius of the universe could be as large as 46.5 billion years, so the distance into space humans can currently observe would represent a little less than one-third of the total distance

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