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Surah Yusuf is a surah with many lessons for anybody at any age, living in any place.

  1. Love your siblings. (Ayah)
  2. Never be jealous, it can lead you to killing someone. (Ayah 10)
  3. Sometimes you know when someone is lying, but you shouldn’t say it without proof. (Ayah 13)
  4. Don’t keep false promises. (Ayah 14)
  5. Never lie. (Ayah 17+18)
  6. Allah will always take care of his true servants. (Ayah 19)
  7. Allah teaches the Prophets so that they can teach others. (Ayah 21)
  8. Don’t leave young men alone with women. Always control your desires. (Ayah 23 + 24)
  9. When you do something wrong, admit it, and don’t blame someone else. (Ayah 25)
  10. Stand up for the truth! (Ayah 26)
  11. Don’t cover up the truth, act fairly. (Ayah 29)
  12. We must live a good life, so people will have confidence in us. People who have knowledge influence others in any circumstance. (Ayah 36)
  13. When you have the chance, always tell others about your religion. (Ayah 37)
  14. Call people to the true faith. Sometimes it is good to compare to explain something. (Ayah 39)
  15. Ask only from Allah, and no one else. (Ayah 42)
  16. Don’t justify ignorance. (Ayah 44)
  17. People must always think long term. Always be prepared for disasters. (Ayah 47)
  18. When judging a situation, you must be fair. (Ayah 51)
  19. Try to protect your honor. (Ayah 52)
  20. Always have a good intention. (Ayah 55)
  21. Allah gives all power. (Ayah 56)
  22. Always keep in mind about the hereafter. (Ayah 57)
  23. Be kind to those who aren’t kind to us. (Ayah 59)
  24. Trust in Allah, and believe in him to guard us. (Ayah 64)
  25. Always listen to your parents. (Ayah 68)
  26. Don’t talk about someone when they are not there. (Ayah 77)
  27. Observe the rules of fairness for everyone. The guilty one has to be punished, not the innocent. (Ayah 79)
  28. Always obey your parents. (Ayah 80)
  29. Always be patient under all circumstances, and never lose hope in Allah. The true believer will feel that whatever happens will happen for the best. (Ayah 83)
  30. Your parent’s love is true love. (Ayah 85)
  31. Try to hold in your anger. A person, who believes in Allah, will only complain to Allah. (Ayah 86)
  32. Don’t lose hope in Allah. Always believe there was a good reason why something happened. (Ayah 87)
  33. When we don’t know why something is happening, remember that Allah has a reason. (Ayah 88)
  34. Always have patience, and Allah will grant you what you want most. (Ayah 90)
  35. If you have the faith, Allah will always be there. (Ayah 91)
  36. When you have power over your enemy, always forgive him. If you
  37. forgive somebody, then Allah will forgive you. The people who forgive others, are the servants of Allah. (Ayah 92)
  38. Jealousy is a disease which affects the soul. (Ayah 95)
  39. Allah is the most forgiving, and there is no sin he won’t forgive, other than shirk. No matter how big the sin is, Allah will always be there to forgive it. Allah’s actions can never be questioned. (Ayah 98)
  40. Respect your parents. (Ayah 99)
  41. Your parents are superior to you, and you must always give them a higher status. (Ayah 100)
  42. A true believer’s prayer will be that he dies a Muslim. (Ayah 101)
  43. Learning history is important. (Ayah 102)
  44. We have no excuse to reject the call of the Prophet. He is not asking for anything in return. His conveying of the message is benefiting you only. (Ayah 104)
  45. We have to observe and learn from the signs of Allah. E.g. Sun, moon, stars, and ocean etc. (Ayah 105)
  46. The Day of Judgment will come without a warning. The earth and the people will be in total confusion. (Ayah 107)
  47. A prophet will always call people to Allah only. If we are the followers of the Prophet, we must also call people towards Allah with our actions. (Ayah 108)
  48. The prophets are human beings and not angels. The knowledge of the Prophet is from Allah. The disbelievers are the losers in the hereafter because of their disbelief in the Prophet. (Ayah 109)
  49. Don’t give up in Allah. Always believe that He is there to help you. (Ayah 110)
  50. The stories in the Quran are not made up tales. They are true, and are lessons for us. (Ayah 111)

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