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The Assigned Status & The Assignment


The Muslims enjoy a Divine
designation and assignment. Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la labelled them as the best
people on earth (khaira ummah)–as announced in the holy Qur’an. But such a
status in the midst of the whole mankind is not a birth right of the Muslims.
It comes only as a Divine reward for fulfilling the assigned task. In fact, the
highest status of the Muslims and the assigned mission are the part of the same
package as revealed in the following Qur’anic verse: “You are the best of the nations raised up for the benefit for the
mankind; you enjoin the right and eradicate the wrong and believe in
Allah.”–(Sura Al-Imran, verse 110)
. As per above verse, enjoining the right
and eradicating the wrong are the key parts of the assignment. Those who
sincerely engage in this mission are labelled as the best of all nations.
Benefits of the Muslims as well as of the whole mankind depend on exact
execution of the mission. And while engaged in execution, defining the right
and the wrong emerges as the most crucial moment in life. True iman of a
believer as well as his understanding of Islam is indeed tested here. At such
junctures, the holy Qur’an and the tradition of the prophet (peace be upon him)
work as the ultimate arbitrator. This is why, the Qur’anic knowledge and
knowledge of prophetic tradition are the most important matter in in Muslims’
life. No one can’t be a true Muslim without such knowledge, let alone enjoining
the right and eradicating the wrong.

اس ہفتے کے ٹاپ 5 موضوعات

قرآنی ‏معلومات ‏سے ‏متعلق ‏ایک ‏سو ‏سوالات ‏

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متعلقہ مضامین

مقبول زمرے