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One day of the many days

There was a man traveling on a trip with his Wife and Kids

And on the way he met someone standing in the roadway

So he asked him: Who are you?

He said: I am the money

So the man asked his wife and kids :

Should we ask him to ride with us?

They said together: Yes of course because with the money it can help

us if we wanted to do anything, and if we wanted to get anything we

desired, So they took the Money to ride with them.

And the vehicle continued its way until the man

met someone else on the road

So the Father asked: Who are you?

He said: I am the high position and power

So the father asked his wife and kids :

Should we ask him to ride with us?

So they all answered together in one voice:

Yes of course because with the high position and power we have the

ability to do anything we want and own anything we desired.

So they took the high position and power with them

And the vehicle continued to finish its trip .

And likewise he met in the same manner many people which give the

pleasures and desires of this life, UNTIL ..

They met one person on the way..

The Father asks him Who are you?

He said: I am the Deen (Islam)

So the father, wife, and kids said all together in one voice: No no

this isn’t the time, we desire the pleasures of this life and

dunyah, and the Deen will prevent us and ban us from these things

and it will take control over us, and we will be worn-out from being

loyal to it and its learning. And the halal and the Haram, and this

thing prayer and that thing hijab, and this fasting , and and and

and and etc, It will be a burden upon us!!!

But what is certain is that we will definitely return for you to

pick you up but only after we enjoy this life and everything in it.

So sadly they left him behind and the vehicle continued its trip.

out of no where something appeared in the middle of the road ,It was a
check point in the road and it had a sign saying STOP!!!

And they found a man gesturing for the father to get out of the vehicle.

So the man said to the father:

The trip has ended as far as you are concerned!!! !

And it is upon you to get out and come with me.

The father was shocked with fear and didn’t say a word.

So the man said to him: I am searching for the DEEN.e Islam Is he

with you?

He answered: No I left him not too far back. So if you can let me go

back, I can get him for you :

You do not have the ability to go back, your trip has ended and

there is no going back now.. returning is impossible said the man.

But I have The Money, The high position and power,My Wife, My Kids,

and and and and and and on.

The man said to him:

They will not benefit you nor will they

protect you in front of Allah. Not one bit!

And you will leave all of this, and not one of them will help you

except for The Deen e Islam you know? The one which YOU left back in

the road.

So the father asked: And who are you exactly?


The one which you were needless

of and didn’t take into account in your trip!!

The father looked at his vehicle and found his wife taking control

of it and continuing the trip with all of its passengers but him

And none of them stayed with him, and none of them helped him in any


His Majesty said:

“Say: If it be that your fathers, your sons, your brothers, your

mates, or your kindred; the wealth that ye have gained; the commerce

in which ye fear a decline: or the dwellings in which ye delight –

are dearer to you than Allah, or His Messenger, or the striving in

His cause;- then wait until Allah brings about His decision: and

Allah guides not the rebellious.” Qur’an 9:24

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