Miswak: A Cultural, Religious And Scientific Heritage

kuch na seekhain
kuch na seekhain

Dear Fellows

I will post a series of articles comprising different aspects of

MISWAK/SIWAK/ARAK sticks. My articles will comprise the historical

background, islamic relevance and scientific importance including the

composition, pharmacological activity, medical uses and proper way to use

miswak. My primary objective is to promote the usage of Miswak globally as
the matchless alternate to toothbrushes and toothpaste
. i supply miswak

sticks in fresh moist vacuum sealed hygienic packaging. Brothers who are

interested to start the Sunnah business of Miswak can contact me. My

contact details are mentioned below as well as you can contact me through

brother Shami sb.

Miswak: A Cultural, Religious And Scientific Heritage

Dental caries and periodontal diseases are the two main afflictions to

mankind. Bacterial plaque is solely responsible for the initiation and

progression of periodontal diseases. The methods available for the

maintenance of oral health are mainly mechanical and chemical. Toothbrushes

and dentifrices are widely used for cleaning teeth. The traditional

toothbrush or chewing stick is deeply rooted in Islamic culture. This

article gives a brief cultural and historical background of the subject and

review current literature on Miswak.



Pencil-sized sticks of various plants are fashioned from certain plant –

parts and are chewed on one end until they become frayed into a brush. The

brush-end is used to clean the teeth in a manner similar to the use of a

toothbrush. When used in this manner, they are commonly referred to as

chewing sticks or Miswak. The conventional meaning of Miswak is ‘stick used

on teeth and gums to clean them.’ Its various names are Miswak and Siwak as

used in the

Middle East,

Mswaki in Tanzania,

Mefaka in Ethiopia and

Datun in India and Pakistan.

Although Siwak or Miswak is used to describe Arak *(Salvadora persica), *

the stick which the Prophet Muhammad – Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon

Him (PBUH) – used to clean his mouth with, miswak is a more general term which includes all types of sticks used as tooth cleaning aids.

*Types of Miswak*


In the Middle East, the most common source of chewing sticks is Arak *(Salvadora persica). *In West Africa, the lime tree *(Citrusaurantafolia) *and the orange tree *(Citrussinensis) *are used. The roots of senna (*Cassia

vinnea) *were used by Black Americans, and those of African laburnum *{Cassia sieberianba) *were used in Sierra Leone. Neem *(Azadirachta indica) *is widely used in the Indian subcontinent.

Arak, a tree used for Miswak, is also known as “tooth brush tree” and

“mustard plant”. Although the miswak is usually obtained from the roots of

the Arak tree, some sticks are made from its branches and bark.

*Salvadora persica *is an upright evergreen small tree or shrub, seldom

more than one foot in diameter reaching maximum height of three meters. The leaves are small, oval, thick and succulent with a strong smell of cress or

mustard. The fresh leaves are eaten as salad and are used in traditional

medicine for cough, asthma, scurvy, rheumatism, piles and other diseases.

The flowers are small and fragrant and are used as a stimulant and are

mildly purgative. The berries are small and barely noticeable; they are eaten

both fresh and dried.

*Historical and Cultural Background of Miswak*


The use of Miswak is a pre-lslamic custom, which was adhered to by the

ancient Arabs to get their teeth white and shiny. It also contributed to

ritual purity. This custom was adopted and Islamized by Prophet Muhammad

(PBUH) around 543 AD. This kind of toothbrushing has been used by the Arabs, the Babylonians some 7000 years ago,2 the Japanese called it Koyoji, while the Romans used mastic to rub their teeth and as a toothpick. Ancient

Egyptians and the Jews also used it.3 It is in use throughout the Islamic


*Religious Background*


Islam introduced basic oral hygiene by incorporating it as a religious

practice. Islam teaches the importance of cleanliness of the body as well

as of the mind. Several quotations are found in the compendium of the

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), as to the benefits of Miswak in oral hygiene.

For example: *Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), said: “Siwak purifies the mouth and

pleases Allah’and said:*

*Were it not to be a hardship on my community, I would have ordered them to

use Siwak for every **ablution.’*


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