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Quran is the Heaviest Book ever seen by this universe, it is the Word of Allah, Sent with Jibreel ~ the best among angels & Sent directly on the heart of Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam who is Syed-ul-Ambiaa’ & Quran is a criterion for Ummat-e-Muhammad ~ the best among all Umam.

Quran is SHIFA for the heart, soul, body, our community & future generation; but this Shifa comes when Quran’s rights are fulfilled which include :

Tajweed ~ Tilaawat ~ Tadabbur ~ its practical application in our life and finally its preaching & to take its Noor till the last corner of this world.

Quran was divided in 30 Juzz, one of the reasons for this division was to recite at least one Juzz daily & to finish it in a month period. But that less than 5 % of Muslims are reciting one Juzz daily & if you talk for Quran’s Tadabbur & other rights ……………. what you can expect ?

Ignoring Quran is the major cause of diseases, without Quran, Shifa can’t be obtained.

Making a daily habit of reciting one Juzz will bring a big change; your life will be filled with Noor, Taskeen, Safety, Saroor, Guidance, Shifa (health), etc.

If one Juzz can’t be completed in a single sitting, read at least 5 pages with each Salaat & you will complete a Juzz by Isha’ Insha’Allah. And if you will recite Quran with Tajweed, better results will be achieved. Tadabbur will bring more blessings, and following the teachings of Quran & its preaching will open all the remaining doors of Shifa.

May Allah guide me to the right path as well. Ameen

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