Fish is a miracle food Created by Allah Sub-haana-hu wa taa’la, high in protein, extremely low in fat (without skin) with zero grams of carbohydrates; it is a healthy food for Diabetics when taken in adequate amounts and when cooked with the correct methods.
Best cooking for fish is either steaming or baking in the oven & the worst
(which most people prefer) is deep frying it in vegetable oils.
And when you eat fish from the restaurants, their dirty & black oil seems
100 years old.
We steamed fish fillet with white mushrooms & Zucchini, topped with Thyme,
Sumaaq, white pepper & Pink salt, no oil added, no bread / rice required.
This recipe is one of the best dinners for Diabetic patients, can be taken
twice / thrice per week as maximum.
100 grams of fish has 140 ~ 200 calories depending upon the variety you
Source: Tibbe Nabavi Peace Be Upon Him