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“Allah’s is the heritage of the heavens and the earth, and Allah is aware of everything you do” (Qur’an, 3:180).

Meaning :

The Supreme Inheritor.

In Quran :

“Allah‘s is the heritage of the heavens and the earth, and Allah is aware of everything you do“ (Qur‘an, 3:180).

Description :

Al-Warith, Glory to Him, remains after the extinction of all beings. He inherits everything after the extinction of everyone and everything. He is the Heir: on the Day of Judgment, it will be loudly called out, “To whom does the kingdom belong this Day? To Allah, the One, The Subduer (of all)“ (Qur‘an, 40:16).

The root word of the Attribute “al-Warith“ is “waratha,“ inherited: He will inherit all beings after their extinction. He is the only One Who remains after those who used to think that they possessed wares and items, the things which He had given them, will be gone; their existence, as well as that of what He has given them, is dependent on Him, and on none else. He has said, “And most surely We bring to life, and We cause death, and We are the heirs“ (Qur‘an, 15:23). What Allah‘s servants used to own will go back to Him; there is no partner with Him.

Al-Warith is the One to Whom all possessions will go back after the death of their “owners.“ He will be the One Who will call on that Day, the Day of Judgment, as in 40:16, “To whom does the kingdom belong this Day?“ and He will be the One Who will answer by saying, “To Allah, the One, The Subduer (of all)“ (Qur‘an, 40:16).“ Most people mistakenly think that they have possessions which are their own, but the reality of the matter will be unfolded before their eyes on that Day. This call represents a fact which will then be revealed to everyone.

Reference to the subject of heritage as applied to the Almighty occurs in some Qura‘nic verses such as the following:
And most surely We bring to life and cause death, and We are the heirs. (15:23) Surely We inherit the earth and all those on it and to Us shall they all be returned. (19:40) And We desired to bestow a favor upon those who were deemed weak in the land and make them the Imams and make them the heirs. (28:5) Lord! Do not leave me alone, and You are the best of inheritors. (21:89)

The Messenger of Allah

Peace Be Upon Him

used to supplicate saying, “Lord! I plead to You to grant me the enjoyment of my hearing and vision, and to make them my heirs.“

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