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يا خير من دفنت بالقاع أعظمه ****  فطاب من طيبهن القاع والأكم
نفسي الفداء لقبر أنت ساكنه ****  فيه العفاف وفيه الجود والكرم
أنت الشفيع  الـذي ترجـى  شفاعتـه **** على الصـراط إذا مـا زلـت القـدم
وصاحبـاك فـلا أنساهـمـا  أبــدا **** مني السلام عليكم مـا جـرت القلـم

Hijamah Vs. Blood Donation

When people talk about the health benefits of Blood donation, it is similar to Venesection (puncturing of veins) which was called Fasd in old times. You can read the article Cauterization.

The difference between Hijamah & Fasd is the blood itself, Fasd (Blood Donation) removes fresh blood from the veins; while Hijamah removes the septic blood from underneath the skin.

FASD is helpful for diseases that are cured by extracting out the fresh blood, & those ailments are very few, but Septic blood which is the root cause of many diseases is only drained out by Hijamah. Ibn Al Qayyam wrote that “Cupping extracts the septic blood more efficiently than puncturing the veins”. A surprising fact is that the putrefied Hijamah blood can’t be donated.

Hijamah is superior to FASD in many aspects, a comparison of Fasd & Hijamah by observation is as under.

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Blood Donation (FASD)



Point of suction

Taken out from the veins

From underneath the skin



Rarely has a bad odor

Rancid & rotten with a bad smell




Reddish brown to black



Negligible effect on vision

Enhances the vision



Negligible effect on Cholesterol

Reduces cholesterol, especially Triglycerides



Might cause weakness

Induces freshness in the body


Migraine & Headache

Negligible effect on Migraine / headache

Head’s Hijamah is best for Migraine & headaches


Back pain

Can’t reduce your back pain

Reduces & eliminates the back pain


Cervical Spondylosis

No effect on cervical problems

At posterior jugulars is the cure for Cervical Spondylosis


Sehr, Jinn, Evil Eye

Can’t break the spell of Sehr, Jinn or Evil Eye

Powerful enough to crush spells of Sehr, Jinn & Evil Eye

Some medical experts recommend donation of blood for good health, & Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam recommended Hijamah.

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