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Hadith: Guardian

Sahih Al Bukhari – Book of Manumission Of Slaves

Volume 003, Book 046, Hadith Number 733.
Narrated By ‘Abdullah bin ‘Umar Razi Allah Anhu: That he heard Allah’s Apostle Peace be Upon him saying, 

“Everyone of you is a guardian and is responsible for his charge; the ruler is a guardian and is responsible for his subjects; the man is a guardian in his family and responsible for his charges; a woman is a guardian of her husband’s house and responsible for her charges; and the servant is a guardian of his master’s property and is responsible for his charge.” 

I definitely heard the above from the Prophet and think that the Prophet also said, “A man is a guardian of his father’s property and responsible for his charges; so everyone of you is a guardian and responsible for his charges.”

اس ہفتے کے ٹاپ 5 موضوعات

قرآنی ‏معلومات ‏سے ‏متعلق ‏ایک ‏سو ‏سوالات ‏

*---اپنے بچوں سے قرآنی معلومات پر 100 سوالوں کے...

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