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Hadith: Allah SWT will not look at these people

Bismillah Walhamdulillah Was Salaatu Was Salaam 'ala Rasulillah As-Salaam Alaikum Wa-Rahmatullahi Wa-Barakatuhu Water - 2nd Dhul Qa...

Bismillah Walhamdulillah Was Salaatu Was Salaam 'ala Rasulillah

As-Salaam Alaikum Wa-Rahmatullahi Wa-Barakatuhu

Water - 2nd Dhul Qa'dah 1433 (18th September 2012)

Narrated Abu Huraira (Radi-Allahu 'anhu):

Allah's Apostle (Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) said, "There are three
persons whom Allah will not look at on the Day of Resurrection, nor will he
purify them and theirs shall be a severe punishment. They are:

1. A man who possessed superfluous water, on a way and he withheld it from

2. A man who gave a pledge of allegiance to a ruler and he gave it only for
worldly benefits. If the ruler gives him something he gets satisfied, and
if the ruler withholds something from him, he gets dissatisfied.

3. And man who displayed his goods for sale after the 'Asr prayer and
wrongfully said, 'By Allah, except Whom None has the right to be
worshipped, I have been given so much for my goods,' and somebody believes
him (and buys them)."

The Prophet (Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) then recited: "Verily! Those who
purchase a little gain at the cost of Allah's Covenant and their oaths."

Bukhari Vol. 3 : No. 547

M Junaid Tahir

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