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Tell your spouse “I love you” regularly.
Always say please and thank you.
Never demand anything one of another, but ask kindly with respect.
Husbands, don’t act like as u own your wife. Support them they are your companions
Wives don’t nag your husbands. If they have been too busy to get something done for you, and you have already asked them a number of times, try asking them after you have done something nice for them. You will find this goes over much better then telling them for example “I have been asking for two months now to fix the leaking tap.
Husband, thank your wife for each meal, when laundry is done and for how well your clothes have been folded, and when the home is cleaned and what a clean house she keeps. Wives, when your husband fixes something around the home thank him and when he brings home his check tell him what a good provider he is.
Each day ask the other if there is anything you can do for them.
You both need to be patient with each other’s weaknesses and faults.
Be always seeking what you can put into the marriage.
Pray daily for each other.
Keep a list of the things your spouse asks you to do. When your spouse asks you to do something make sure you put it on your list and put a date beside it so you know how long it has been there.
Never discuss each others past faults and mistakes in front of other people. While your spouse may laugh along with you and not say anything about it later, you may have hurt them deep down.
Don’t allow a disagreement to escalate into an argument and certainly not in public or in front of your children.

Prophet Muhammad (Salallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said:
“The best of you are those who are best to their wives.."
[Tirmidhi, 3895]"


M Junaid Tahir
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