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When you throw a stone into a pond, you’ll see a splash and hear a specific sound generated by the touch of stone with the water. You will notice circles rippling out from the point where stone hit the water. The stone touched the water only once however the number of waves was more than that. Did you also noticed that you did one simple act of throwing a stone but it resulted in several waves generation in all directions traveling to a large distance? This is what we call Ripple Effect.

If you closely observe your day to day life, you will notice that most of your acts are generating ripples in the society since a lot of people are getting affected either positively or negatively. If you are doing a positive act, the ripple effect is going to be positive. For example, if you help your friend or colleague, there is a most likely chance that he will help you and others when he finds you or others in any crisis. Hence I believe that positive acts result in positive ripples and negative effects generate negative ripples. Since this article is going to be read by all kind of intellectuals so I will summarize some basic example of positive and negative ripples. 

1- When you share some inspiring article/video/story with your friends through email, Facebook, Google Plus, blog, website or any other online media, it will have a positive impact on hundreds of lives; Just to elaborate, if you have sent this article by email to 100 friends and only 20 of those share the same information with their colleagues/friends then this article will reach and inspire another 20*100 = 2000 people. This won’t stop here since these 2000 people are going to share that with another thousands of people so the article consequently touches millions!

2- When you work on some humanity service project (for example, giving some money for charity on monthly basis, opening an orphan house, installing water tanks in areas where water is not available to drink, visiting hospitals to help poor people etc) you are generating an unstoppable ripple effect. Hundreds of people will get inspired by you and start doing the same (more or less) acts.

3- When you want to show your driving ‘skills’ and ‘thrills’ by bad or speedy driving while your friends or family members are with you, you are encouraging them to do the same when they are given a chance. These friends will probably do the same and encourage more people for this bad act. Down the road in 6 month you might become the root cause of rash driving for 100+ people or more!

If we closely think, the positive ripples can become a source of Sadqa Jaria which is extremely required after your death. If you have done something similar to Point-1 and Point-2, these deeds will keep sending you the Hasanat (currency of Aakhirah) in your after-death-bank-account. Always remember that dollars, pounds or euros wont help you on the day of Judgment, the thing which will help you is your acts of kindness and their usage by the society. If you inspire and convince more and more people for any good deed (by your words or by doing the task actually) you are basically ensuring your share in the Hasanat which they is going to do (while their share will not be impacted). 

Conclusion: Positive Acts of kindness can bring magical results on earth. Everyone need to understand the concept that all of his/her acts are generating ripples in the society which are either improving or polluting the society.

Do you audit yourself on how much pollution or prosperity you are contributing to the society?

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