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Read slowly to concentrate on each word, specially the highlighted ones.


Faith the size of a mustard seed 

Will move a mighty mountain

That's what His word tells me 

To believe is to trust in Him 

To know that His word is truth 

To know that He will do as He says

To stand on those words

And accept them through his Grace 

So why do I doubt 

Why do I limit Him 

Why do I fear 

Is fear really a sin 

Faith the size of a mustard seed 

Is what I have and more 

Yet I whine and cry 

When adversity knocks on my door 

I know my God is there 

To wipe away my tears

I know my God is there

To calm all my fears 

I know my God is there

To fix all that's broken

I know my God can do all things 

With only one word spoken 

He's the creator of all the universe

He's the creator of my soul 

He's the reason I'm alive 

He can make me whole 

He takes me by the hand

He walks me through the dark

I've trusted Him through all the years

To chase away the enemy's sharks 

Yet when a new problem arises 

When I'm faced with sadness again 

I cry and whine and wail 

I guess I never learn 

Faith the size of a mustard seed

Will move a mighty mountain

Nothing is impossible with God 

When you simply trust in Him.







M Junaid Tahir


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